How to compile your Research Tax Credit (RTC) / Innovation Tax Credit (ITC) justification file?
The objective of this workshop is to familiarise you with the main operating rules of Research Tax Credit (RTC) and Innovation Tax Credit (ITC) and to equip you to implement a structured approach within your organisation. Dedicated to your technical, administrative and financial teams, the workshop will introduce the best practices for independent compilation of a justification file, thereby securing the obtainment of tax credits.


Aurélie GAYON
Head of Project Management Business Unit

Kafila SAïAGH
Head of National Funding Business Unit
Compile your technical file to justify the eligibility of the work
Learn how to select eligible work, consolidate the necessary data and compile the expected documents, implement the appropriate internal monitoring methodologies, together with an approach allowing the future tax credit to be secured with peace of mind, and meet administrative authorities’ expectations for all technical aspects.
Compile your financial justification file
Estimate tax credit and gather financial evidence, select eligible expenses, complete financial tools, prepare for an audit on financial and administrative issues.
Model documents and monitoring tools
Provide model documents with a framework, advice and instructions for completion and tools to facilitate data recovery, adapted to the company’s internal methodologies.