Agriculture – Agri-food

For sustainable agriculture and consumption

All the players in the food chain, from farmers to processors to distributors, are facing numerous changes. Confronted with the digital, technological and cultural revolution and the need to master environmental issues, companies must take up the challenge of innovation and continue to adapt to meet the new expectations of consumers.

Conseil Innovation Agriculture Agroalimentaire

The D&C approach

We are committed to working alongside companies in France’s leading economic sector to encourage and stimulate their R&D and innovation efforts, thus contributing to their economic dynamism, competitiveness and attractiveness.


Help you to have a clear vision of the public funding potential for your project portfolio and support you in the deployment of your strategy to access national and European funding.



Support the analysis of your technological positioning by capitalising on your strengths, detecting potential difficulties or development paths to be prioritised and defining the actions to be implemented.


Support you in defining and prioritising the research and innovation activities to be implemented to allow you to face the challenges of your sector.


Generate an optimal framework in which innovation is key, with committed teams and concrete steering tools.

Focus on our partners…


VALORIAL is the agri-food competitiveness cluster of the Grand Ouest, Europe’s leading agri-food basin.

The cluster covers three regions, Brittany, Pays de la Loire and Normandy, and brings together more than 365 manufacturers, research centres and higher education establishments around the theme of food.

Our common objective: to accompany our partners’ members on the path to successful innovation.


VITAGORA is an agri-food competitiveness cluster in the Burgundy-Franche-Comté and Ile-de-France regions. It supports 570 members in their growth and innovation challenges in the service of healthy, tasty and sustainable food.


AGRI SUD-OUEST INNOVATION federates more than 400 private and public players in the agriculture, agri-food and agro-resource sectors in the Occitanie and Nouvelle-Aquitaine regions.

Latest projects

Assistance in setting up and managing the VITIREV project

As the third largest economic region in France, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region is also the largest wine-producing region in France and Europe, with a turnover of 7 billion euros per year.

Help in setting up and managing the ECOLEO project

Our team assisted SAIPOL and its partners (ITERG, Lesieur, Limagrain, Terres Inovia) in the preparation of the ECOLEO project application to the Plan de Structuration des Filières agricoles et agroalimentaires (Plan for the Structuring of Agricultural and Agri-Food Sectors), supported by FranceAgriMer within the framework of the Recovery Plan. Our team is now in charge of the management of this project and the follow-up of the deliverables and expenses.

Our references

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