Assistance in setting up and managing the T2BIO and BEINNOV projects

SurfactGreen and its partners have benefited from D&Consultants’ expertise for the preparation of their application files for the T2BIO (36 months, €2.9M budget) and BEINNOV (48 months, €4M budget) projects, operated by Bpifrance and ADEME, respectively, in the field of bio-based materials and chemistry, advanced biofuels. In addition to their assistance for the application, D&Consultants provided technical, administrative and financial support to SurfactGreen for the carrying out of these two projects.

Aide au montage du dossier de financement public et gestion du projet ECOLEO

Help in setting up and managing the ECOLEO project

Our team assisted SAIPOL and its partners (ITERG, Lesieur, Limagrain, Terres Inovia) in the preparation of the ECOLEO project application to the Plan de Structuration des Filières agricoles et agroalimentaires (Plan for the Structuring of Agricultural and Agri-Food Sectors), supported by FranceAgriMer within the framework of the Recovery Plan. Our team is now in charge of the management of this project and the follow-up of the deliverables and expenses.